Sunday, June 1, 2014

Punk Rock Father William

with apologies to Lewis Carroll

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"You are old, Father William," the young man said,
"And you listen to nothing that's tight.
Yet you are a fan of the drone and the noise--
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"

"In my youth," Father William replied to his son,
"Punk rock was the thing I liked most:
Of all the loud shows I did not miss a one,
Consequently I'm as deaf as a post!"

"You are old, Father William, and your politics reek
Of anarchy, squatting, and pot:
It's the twenty-first century now, you old freak;
Is that really the best that you've got?"

"In my youth," said the sage, "I learned from the punks:
From Fugazi, the worth of a buck,
Jello and Hanna helped me to think
And from Iggy to not give a fuck."

"You are old," said the youth, "and your mind is too weak
To appreciate dubstep and skweee;
Yet you don't scoff at the folk that is freak,
Pray, how does that happen to be?"

"You missed," said the sage, "the decades that passed,
And the terrible music that's been:
Enjoy, my dear boy, these fads that won't last,
Or relive the '80s again!"

"You are old," said the youth, "as I mentioned before,
And your wardrobe is scruffy and naff.
T-shirts and Levis don't make the scene,
Unless you are looking for laughs."

"In my youth," said his father, "I moshed in the pit,
Where Doc Martins and jeans did the job.
And you need to show more respect to the olds,
Or I'll kick you right in the gob!"
"You are old, Father William," the young man said,
And you listen to nothing that's tight."
Yet you are a fan of the drone and the noise--
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"

"In my youth," Father William replied to his son,
"Punk rock was the thing I liked most:
of all the loud shows I did not miss a one,
consequently I'm as deaf as a post!"

"You are old, Father William, and your politics reek
Of anarchy, squatting, and pot:
It's the twenty-first century now, you old freak;
Is that really the best that you've got?"

"In my youth," said the sage, "I learned from the punks:
From Fugazi, the worth of a buck,
Jello and Hanna helped me to think
And from Iggy to not give a fuck."

"You are old," said the youth, "and your mind is too weak
To appreciate dubstep and skweee;
Yet you don't scoff at the folk that is freak,
Pray, how does that happen to be?"

"You missed," said the sage, "the decades that passed,
And the terrible music that's been:
Enjoy, my dear boy, these fads that won't last,
Or relive the '80s again!"

"You are old," said the youth, "as I mentioned before,
And your wardrobe is scruffy and naff.
T-shirts and Levis don't make the scene,
Unless you are looking for laughs."

"In my youth," said his father, "I moshed in the pit,
Where Doc Martins and jeans did the job.
And if you don't show more respect to the olds,
I shall kick you right in the gob!"
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